Sophia Blackmore Leadership Programme
Sophia Blackmore Leadership Programme
Fairfield’s Sophia Blackmore Leadership Programme (SBLP) seeks to develop influential leaders anchored in values and skilled in the 4 Fairfield leadership practices.
The school adopts John Maxwell’s definition of leadership which is based on the idea that “Leadership is Influence” and not on position or title. Fairsians are taught that they can lead themselves and at the same time, they follow a leader because of who he/she is and what he/she represents.
4 Fairfield Leadership Practices
Modeling Purity & Honesty
• Leaders lead by example, demonstrate integrity and live according to their values.

Encouraging Hearts, Enabling Unity
• Leaders recognise and empower their peers by fostering a supportive and collaborative environment that sustains motivation and growth.

Stewarding Growth, Strengthening Resilience
• Leaders exhibit resilience and adaptability as they foster growth and innovation. They dare to take risks, tackle challenges and improve their environment.

Inspiring Peaks of Excellence
• Leaders articulate a compelling vision for their school or community by rallying others to join them in the pursuit of excellence.

Student leaders are given opportunities to apply their learning through service to the school and wider community.
Student Leadership 3-Tiered Framework
Fairfield believes that all Fairsians can be leaders and has adopted a three-tier model for student leadership training.

The Tier 1 Program is conducted through platforms such as the CCE curriculum, Fairfield Learning Experience (FLEX) week, Fairsian Connect Assembly Talks, Values-in-Action Programme and CCA Training.
The Tier 2 & 3 Program is conducted for students who are appointed to leadership positions such as Student Councillors, CCA Leaders and Class Leaders. Some key programmes they go through are:
• Sophia Blackmore Probational Training Programme (Sec 1s & 2s)
• Sophia Blackmore Training Camp (Sec 3s)
• Planning the Sec 1 Orientation Programme
• Fairfield Make Someone Smile (FMSS) Projects
• Service to school and wider community through the various initiatives and projects in their student leadership groups
In addition to the Tier 2 training program, Tier 3 Program is conducted for Student Council Executive Committee and the Presidents/Vice Presidents of the CCAs. They go through mentoring sessions with their teachers to sharpen their communication, people and project management skills.